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Interactive artist, #3D #AR #VR sculptor, maker. UA x CA x CN Woman in tech. I use digital 3D and coding tools, such as modeling, sculpting, Python and JavaScript as collaborative creative media. I also make synthetic sound landscapes with my sculptural works. Touchsoundart began exploring art at the intersection of sculpture and digital technologies in late Y2K, merging 3D modeling, fabrication, electronics, and creative coding. Her works explore the interplay of female bodies and technologies, questioning human sensory relationships in a tech-driven era. With 3D environments in XR, the artist shares the vision of decentralized social structures participating in VCA'22, CryptoArtUkraine, Refraction'23, New Float'23, and beyond WEB3 communities in exhibitions Ars Electronica'23, Venice Arsenale Nord'22.

"Skin of the Earth" is an exercise in spatial reading, a sculptural 3D animated work with hand-written inscriptions alluding to metaphors of physical and geological time, where reality is not fixed but continuously unfolding in a series of potentialities. The words shift and bend as the surfaces of ... view more

June 16

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    0.000 ETH

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    0.075 ETH

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