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Sondra Bernstein - AKA 4everKurious After putting my 25 year old restaurant operations on the back burner (pun intended) and into the hands of my business partners, I have been able to return to my passion of making art and re-discovering myself as a creator, collector and curator. I have been exploring many different media and techniques including my photography, digital collage, AI, as well as becoming an architect, builder and a producer of home goods in the Voxels metaverse. I am an active founding member and advisor of SearchLight.Art and built the SearchLight Gallery & Atelier on Voxels to align the SearchLight mission to shine light on emerging artists.

"The Writing is on the Wall" serves as a striking metaphor that underscores how the answers we seek are often blatantly obvious, right in front of us, if we only choose to see them. This piece, within the framework of the Art of Evolution, suggests that clarity and understanding are frequently found ... view more

June 19

The Writing is on the Wall" is a powerful visual metaphor conveying the idea that sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of us, plainly visible if only we take the time to see them. This artwork, part of the Blind Clarity/Art of Evolution concept, suggests that often, clarity and ... view more

June 19

"The Writing is on the Wall" is a powerful visual metaphor conveying the idea that sometimes the answers we seek are right in front of us, plainly visible if only we take the time to see them. This artwork, part of the Blind Clarity/Art of Evolution concept, suggests that often, clarity and ... view more

June 5

I recognize that clarity can stem from the darkness, from the courage to walk into the fog without a guiding light. The trick is not to lose part of yourself.

April 3

I find it curious that sometimes, the more I try to see, the less clear things become. My biases, fears, and expectations can cloud my vision, making the truth elusive. In these moments, I embrace "blind faith"—a belief that there's a form of sight beyond the eyes, one that arises from intuition and ... view more

April 3

It's the leaps of faith I take, the decisions made in the face of incomplete information, and the commitment to trust in the process. I've learned to be at peace with the uncertainty that defines so much of the human condition. My "blind clarity" is the insightful journey I embark on without a ... view more

April 3

This concept of "blind clarity" is my acknowledgment that true direction and purpose often come not from a detailed map or a clear view of the horizon, but from an inner conviction. It's the leaps of faith I take, the decisions made in the face of incomplete information, and the commitment to trust ... view more

April 3

In this self-portrait I explore the dance between decision-making and the acceptance of varied paths to success and understanding. It's a personal reflection on the nature of sight vs. insight. As I navigate through life, I'm often reminded that seeing isn't the same as understanding. The multiple ... view more

April 1

I don't know when I started being so fascinated by wings - all kinds of wings - butterflies, birds, bees, dragonflies and more birds! I have files and folders of wing images. Looking back at the work that I started when i first got into this space I laughed when I realized that it was a collection ... view more

September 23

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    0.080 ETH

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    0.050 ETH

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